Guang Dong Provincial Museum

Wangda Showcases customized museum display cases|museum showcases|museum display cabinets for GuangDong Provincial Museum.

The Guangdong Provincial Museum was located on 215 Wenming Rd., GuangzhouGuangdong Province of China, on which was the original site of Sun Yat-sen University. It was a provincial general museum, founded in 1959 and with a land area of 43,000 square meters. It comprised three major parts: the museum, the relic of first national congress of Kuomintang and Lu Xun Memorial House. Other affiliated buildings include the Red Tower (红楼) and the observatory of Sun Yat-sen University.There are two separate buildings. The building which housed the original National Sun Yat-sen University became the Lu Xun Memorial Hall and contains an exhibition of objects related to Lu Xun and some other intellectuals who influenced Chinese modernization and indirectly prepared the way for the communist revolution.