For any museum, security is the first important so how to keep museum objects completely safe and secure with no risk of theft and robbery.If we say the security system of a museum is the first safeguard,then museum display cases as the carrier to accommodate museum objects shall be the final safeguard. Museum grade display cases with comprehensive safety measures create an anti-bandit display space.
I.Security of internal display space
Safe display space by anti-bandit glass and structure.The display volume of museum grade display cases is constructed by anti-bandit glass,i.e. laminated safety glass, meeting the highest museum glass security criteria-EN 356 P4A.Even in the event of intended heavy hit,PVB film interlayers between glass panels of laminated glass will not be penetrated through and still keep integrated structure unchanged by holding the fragments in place so it can effectively resist most physical attack and avoid possible damage to displayed exhibits and hurt to people.
The unique glass bonding technology not weakens the security of display cases in comparison with framed display cases,instead,the security is considerably strengthened.No any sharp tool is able to penetrate into the joint between glass panes constituting the display space.
For museum grade display cases,lighting chamber and facility cabinet is built discretely from sealed internal display space thus at the time of the maintenance or supplement for lighting fixtures and support facility, it's unnecessary to enter into the internal display space.Not only that,the top lighting chamber and the lower facility chamber is safeguarded by dedicated high-security locking systems to acquire strengthened security to eradicate unexpected access.
As a result,the absolute security of internal display space of museum grade display cases is guaranteed with no any compromise.
II.High-security locking system
1.Abloy locking system is the primary choice for museum grade display cases. The lock bodies of Abloy locks are made by special extra-hard,anti-sawing,and rust-proof metal material.The interchange rate of the keys for different locks is much lowest,less than 1/1300000000.With Abloly locking systems for the access of museum display cases, the security of museum display cases is considerably enhanced.
Unique Construction-Based on a unique operating principle which employs rotating discs, ABLOY® camlocks offer advantages that other locking systems cannot achieve.
Physical Strength-ABLOY® cam locks combine excellence in design with the very latest engineering and production technology. Additional resistance to physical attacks is ensured by the use of case-hardened steel components.
Resistance to Harsh Conditions-The ABLOY® cylinder contains no springs or pins which could cause it to malfunction in a wide range of environmental conditions.All the components are highly resistant to wear, dirt, moisture, corrosion or freezing conditions.
Virtually Pickproof-The ABLOY® PROTEC cylinder employs a new, patented disc blocking system (DBS) which makes it impossible to manipulate the cylinder so that it opens without the correct key.
User Friendly-The disc control system and symmetrical key make ABLOY® cam locks easy to operate.
2.High security Abloy key solutions:
ABLOY PROTEC key- is featured with long lasting legal and physical protection against unauthorised key duplication, a full metal, colour coded key, and the recognised ABLOY attributes of physical security and durability.
The unique, patented construction of the ABLOY® PROTEC rotating disc cylinder makes it virtually pickproof. Keys and discs use a new principle where cuts are made on two different radii. In addition, the return bars block the discs at 90° if the key and cylinder combinations are not identical.
The ABLOY® PROTEC cylinder not only meets but exceeds international standards for high security including UL 437 and EN 1303.
1.97 billion different key combinations per keyway make it possible to create extensive master-key systems that fulfil your precise specifications.
Masterkey -Based on a unique operating principle which employs rotating detainer discs, ABLOY® cam locks offer advantages that other locking systems cannot achieve.Due to the unique construction and design, Abloy locks are particularly suited to master key suites, providing keyholding simplicity to often complex requirements.An ABLOY Masterkeyed Suite refers to a system whereby the Masterkey will operate all the ABLOY locks within the suite, whilst Sub-Masterkeys will operate a group or an individual ABLOY lock within the suite. A unique feature of an ABLOY Masterkeyed suite, is that it allows you to include all different lock types for different applications within the same suite. These can include, amongst others - door locks, padlocks, drawer locks, electric locks, etc.
The simplest solution is a master key system with all locks operated by individual keys and an overriding master key operating all locks. Our solutions also encompass highly sophisticated key architecture, providing multi-level restriction with multiple master keys operating across many sites, overridden by a single grand master key.
The objectives of an ABLOY Masterkeyed Suite are to regulate the movement of employees within the system, whilst providing the convenience of each key holder carrying only a single key. In order for these objectives to be met, it is vital that the ABLOY Masterkeyed suite is designed properly, taking into account the current and future situation of the company in question. Abloy has many years' experience in designing large, complex Masterkeyed suites (often covering multiple buildings, sites and applications), meeting the specific, unique requirements of every company. Proper system design will ensure all objectives are met, as well as allow for growth of the system.
III.Security Enhancement by Additional Alarming System
During museum exhibition,the essential protection will be achieved by museum grade display cases.But most of time additional protection by necessary alarming system becomes very important for creating an integrated security environment.
An alarm sensor can be installed in museum display cases in a hidden way.
Seismic sensors monitors the surface areas and detects break-in any attempt and hit on the glass body of display cases.Thanks to durable battery for sensors, visible wiring can be omitted and wireless transmission of the alarm data can be realized accordingly.
As required, a switch contact can be connected to the external alarming input system to monitor the closure of display cases. In addition the alarming outputs of the mini-climate control system are also able to be monitored. The messages will be wirelessly transmitted to the external alarming center.In case any possible threat is approaching, a radar sensor or capacitive monitoring can be activated immediately, which will additionally protect the museum objects against any possible physical contact.